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Customer Story

Homer Central School District: Transforming student learning

Homer Central School District Logo

Homer Central School District serves the town of Homer, New York, operating four schools with approximately 1,750 students and 250 teachers.

Features used

Homer Central School District wanted to give its students and teachers the best technology and learning tools while staying within tight budgets. To do so, it needed to balance its existing legacy technology with a new foundation for more advanced cloud-based apps.

Google Workspace Results

Saves $35,000 annually by replacing PC labs with Chromebooks

• Achieves 1-to-1 ratio of Chromebooks to students

• Makes it easier for students to continue learning outside classrooms and PC labs

• Provides continued access to legacy apps

Enabling Change

Solution: Work Transformation

"Thanks to Google and Cameyo, we no longer have traditional IT provisioning and delivery restrictions. We can now improve teaching and learning experiences by providing everyone with the apps they need through the cloud." – Joshua Finn, Chief Information Technology Officer, Homer Central School District

Homer Central School District modernized its IT management and delivery to improve engagement with students and teachers using Google Workspace products and Chromebooks. The district is now using the powerful productivity and collaboration tools within Google Workspace, including Drive as a central repository for files to improve access to projects, teaching materials, and more.

Google Cloud Partner Cameyo, which works with Google for Education products and includes built-in integration with Google Workspace, helped the district's small IT team seamlessly deliver legacy applications, traditionally offered only in its school lab, to Chromebooks via the cloud. This helped to eliminate the costly computer lab.

With Cameyo's help and Google technology, Homer Central School District achieved a 1-to-1 ratio of Chromebooks to students. The district has already benefited from using Cameyo's hosted solution that runs on Google Cloud Platform and is now working to eliminate as much remaining on-premises infrastructure as possible.

*Google Workspace was formerly known as G Suite prior to Oct. 6, 2020.

Google Cloud Premier Partner


A Google Cloud Technology Partner that works with Google for Education products and tools, Cameyo helps clients securely deliver legacy applications to any device to reduce spending and improve efficiency in IT management while making any app available from any device.